Wednesday, August 17, 2016

ART Blart! - Homemade Gesso

As an Artist I am always looking for cheapo alternatives for art supplies.  Today I ran across this recipe for homemade gesso.

You will need:

- water
- PVA glue
- talcum powder
- any old mixing bowl
- stirrer
- dedicated paint brush (e.i., exclusive to your gesso recipe only)


1.) Mix 3 parts water and 2 parts PVA or white glue. Make sure it is just the right consistency, not too watery.

2.) Add talcum powder until it becomes like a batter. Added more water and glue if there is too much powder until you achieve the ideal mix.

3.) Evenly apply your homemade gesso to your support (e.g., board, canvas).

4.) Leave it to dry overnight. If you're in a hurry, use a hair dryer.

5.) When it's dry enough, sand the surface.

Check out her page to read her notes.

Thanks for visiting the Studio in the woods at the Foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains.

♥ XOXO ♥ P.E.N. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

I will meet you on the colorful other side.........

I will meet you on the colorful other side.........

Have you ever stood in the ocean and watched a huge wave coming towards you?
You know its going to hit you. You see it coming. You can turn and spread your arms out, body surf and let it take you to shore.

But, stand there in shock. You can't move. You know what's going to happen yet you are paralyzed. The slow motion action camera kicks in.......then the panic sets in.

You are hit full on. Whipped up in the current. You can't breathe. You are rolled helplessly through the barreling surf towards shore. Rolled over and over in the surf towards shore swallowing water. 

You feel your knees and elbows hit the sand and you know what those red whelps with scraps feel like.......  They feel like you have just hit the asphalt on that first bike ride.  Then,..... and now....your are in shock.  You are washed up on the shore. Like a rag doll.  Confused....almost lifeless.  Your body aches. You are breathless and gasping for air. You are blinded by the sand and salt in you eyes. Your tears can't wash the pain away.

Yesterday was that day for me. (July 27, 2016)
How many times have you walked into a room full of people and you will see the charismatic, the boisterous people garnering attention? step back and focus, and really take in the room. You will notice that there is someone sitting in the corner. peace with herself.

She has so many people fluttering around her like butterflies. They softly touch her hand, smile and walk away. Only to return. She sits. They hug her and whisper in her ear. She smiles. They walk by and softly touch her hair. They fly by and light on her like a bee. Like a moth to the lights at night. She sits. Quietly, gentile....majestically. She doesn't know that she is the queen bee. She doesn't care. She is just.......PURE LOVE personified.

She will tell you that you are precious to her. She will teach you how to love your family and you will in turn teach your children to love unconditionally too. She will show the world that love begins and ends with faith in the Lord, honesty, integrity, perseverance and dedication to your family and friends.

You are attracted to her. Her eyes light the darkest night when she sees you. Her smiles wash away the worlds worries. Her hugs comfort you. Just knowing that she loves you is enough to get you through the most difficult and darkest times in life.

She will not falter in times of trouble. She will be there for you.

She is the flower that attracts love.

She is my Aunt.

She is resting peacefully in the loving and comforting arms of Jesus Christ.

I pray that when I grow up I can be an example of true love for everything in this, friends, a place of worship, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the earth that she toiled, the plants, the animals, the air that she breathed.

From afar I have watched you teach your family love. I have watched them love you in every way possible. You built a kingdom of love and grace around with your love and kindness.

She is a flower. A gift to this earth. A blessing to this world in times of discourse and turmoil. An example of kindness. generosity and forgiveness.

May we all strive to be the beautiful butterfly in the corner.
The Flower that is Love.

You lived a long and beautiful life. You are loved and cherished by many. Aunt Maurine I will meet you on the other side.

I love you My Sweet Aunt.

Love from the hood' to the backroads in Upper East TN 
©PEN Studio - P. Neal

  My Blog....My words.....My Free Associative Expressions of love from the heart to the keyboard. 
   Grammar Trolls and English Professors please move on.  I am an artist.  I paint, create and type from the HEART.  ♥

  ♥ PEN ♥

All Rights Reserved © PEN Studio - P. Neal

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 240th Birthday America!

Peace, Love and Harmony in the U.S.A.

Homegrown and handmade in the Hood'.  A collaboration between Doris and Daughter to celebrate the 240th Birthday of the United States of America.

God Bless America.
Peace, Love and Harmony in the U.S.A. Needs a new forever home.  Godspeed.

Pounds, (Lbs) Old School:
#USA, #4thofJuly, #GodBlessAmerica, #P.E.N.Studio

And 'at's: @
@USA, #GodBlessAmerica,@HappyBirthdayAmerica

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


UPDATE: June 28, 2016
AFTER This post a company PEN Studio,  ( Art GalleryBuenos Aires, Argentina STARTED A FACEBOOK PAGE>>>>>>> yes...this one >>>> (:( SHAME ON YOU! l :(:( Shame on YOU! :() USING PEN STUDIO. 

Art not shipped? 
Art that was shipped damaged?

Refunds not issued? 

I am not affiliated with this company in anyway whatsoever.  My art has my thumbprint on the back with a certificate of authentication unless otherwise specified.  Buyer beware of fraudulent and deceptive marketing.  I am a Southern Belle....and will keep the rest of my comments to myself. 

However, my 91 year old mother said "Shame on you whoever you are. Your Father and I created the original PEN and it cannot be duplicated."  I concur.  Shame on you.   

I will leave it at that. 

PEN Studio


I have tried to contact you >>>>>> ON Facebook in regard to using my intellectual property.  You requested a screen shot. No response. 

NOW.......This is your Screen Shot. 

This is our conversation on Facebook via message. 

9/25, 11:35pm
Conversation started September 25, 2015

Pxxxxx E. Nxxx
Hey PEN Studio, I think this content is my intellectual property, and it can't be used without my permission. Could you please message me back about this or take it down?
  • PEN Studio
    9/26, 12:48am
    PEN Studio
    Hey Pamela, We are sorry but we can see the link you send us, can you please send us a print screen? Thank you PEN

  • Below is my initial Post on PEN Studio thanking everyone who has visited my Blog.
    That particular week I had over 134 Views from Argentina. 

      I wish to thank each and every one that has visited my page over the years.

      Page views

      United States - 117,294  ♥Thank you!  :) 
      Ukraine - 171 ♥ Thank you!  :) 
      Mexico - 9,128 ♥    Thank you!  :)  
      Belgium - 651  ♥ Thank you!  :) 
      Germany - 4,923 ♥ Thank you!  :) 
      Netherlands - 42  ♥Thank you!  :)
      Spain 3,932   ♥   Thank you!  :) 
      France - 3,165  ♥   Thank you!  :) 
      Indonesia - 259  ♥  Thank you!  :) 
      Argentina - 134  ♥   Thank you!  :) 

      Thank you for taking time out or your busy schedule to view my blog.

      Art from the ♥ of East Tennessee ♥

      Warmest Regards....
      And with Sincere Love from the Studio

      Someone inquired as to why I post in Yellow on a black background.
      It is so my sister who is deaf and legally blind is able to read my blog in this format.

      Love you Sis!

      Friday, February 12, 2016

      History DOES Matter


      Sunday, November 10, 1940 
      A day that forever lives in infamy. A day to remember. A day that will never be forgotten.
      My father (Dad/Pop) had just turned 16 a few days before that life-changing Sunday.  On that day he was 5847 days young.   His father allowed him to drive his 1936 Chevrolet to Bloomington Christian Church that evening for what was called Christian Endeavor. The purpose of the group was “To promote an earnest Christian life among its members, to increase their mutual acquaintance, and to make them more useful in the service of God.”  
      Dad drove Mom home from church that night in Grandpa's 36' Chevrolet.  The total distance was the length of a football field.  Mom told Dad that she was going to give him a kiss for his birthday.  She sure did!!  It must have been a doozy!!!!  Pop blushed this morning when he told me...."THAT was it for me.  I never dated anyone else. She was then and still is my ONE TRUE LOVE." Mom looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "The same goes for me.  The feeling was mutual.  And it still is to this day.  He is MY ONE TRUE LOVE."
       75 years, 3 months, and 2 days later,
      They are still in love!
         27,487 Days of Tennessee Treasured True Love !!!
      Their journey together, on their path of life, began that Sunday evening. 100 yards and almost 100 years later Love began, blossomed and endures.  Our family was in essence born that day.  With a single kiss.  To only have a life long love and devotion to Christ our Lord and Savior.As well as a love as true to one another as theirs......  Sigh.....  ♥ Sniffle........... ♥♥♥ True Love! ♥♥♥ It's a beautiful thing. 
      Love you Mom and Dad to the Moon and Back.
      With all my heart....

       Then, Now and Forever..........History DOES matter. 

       Happy Valentines Day!
      Mom and Pop
      Read Their Love Story:


      Thursday, January 7, 2016

      This is one to see! 

      We have amazing talent here in the Heartland

      Best in Show, 2015, Esther Stiver,  12th Grade, Bearden High School, 'Trolls'
      Best in Show 2015
      Esther Stiver 12th Grade Bearden High School Trolls

      Her name is ESTHER!  She is an awesome artist! 

      The Knoxville Museum of Art and the Tennessee Art Education Association present the ninth annual East Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition November 28, 2014-January 11, 2015. The exhibition features artwork created by middle and high school students and offers students the opportunity to display their talents and be honored for their accomplishments in a professional art museum environment. This event is made possible by the generosity of presenting sponsor Regal Entertainment Group and additional sponsors Pharma Packaging Solutions, Emerson Process Management, and Home Federal Bank.

      East Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition

      Knoxville Museum of Art

      Ninth Annual East Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition

      ☺ ♥ ! √ + ►